The Ultimate Cold Weather Essentials for your Frenchton
November 10, 2023
Frenchton Pup winter jacket and booties
Frenchton Pup winter jacket and booties

The Ultimate Cold Weather Essentials for your Frenchton

Winter is here, and while it brings with it the joy of holiday celebrations, it also brings the harsh weather conditions that are not suitable for our furry friends. The brisk winter air is especially difficult for small breed dogs, like the Frenchton, which requires extra protection to survive the cold weather. As a pet owner, it’s our responsibility to provide our pets with everything they need to stay warm and cozy during the winter months. In this blog post, we’ll be sharing some of the best cold weather essentials for your Frenchton dog, to keep them safe and happy all winter long.

Cozy Sweaters and Jackets

One of the first items on the list of winter essentials for your Frenchton is a cozy sweater or jacket. Frenchtons are small dogs with short hair, so they can’t withstand extremely low temperatures. A sweater or jacket will help keep them warm and toasty while you’re out on walks or running errands. There are endless options to choose from when it comes to doggy sweaters, from cable knits to fleece jackets, so pick one that suits your furry friend’s taste, and don’t be afraid to go for bright colors to add some cheer to the gloomy winter days.

Frenchton Pup winter sweater

Paw Protection

The winter season can be rough on your Frenchton’s paws, especially when it comes to the cold sidewalks, and the salt and sand used to treat icy roads. To protect your dog’s paw pads, consider using a paw balm or wax, which will work as a barrier, keeping their feet moisturized and healthy. Alternatively, you can also invest in boots designed for dogs to wear during winter walks, which provide added insulation and protection for their feet. It’s important to note that some dogs may struggle with booties that feel restricting, so make sure you take your time to get them used to it before hitting the road.

Indoor Heating

While your Frenchton may enjoy playing in the snow, they also need a warm and cozy place to retreat to. During the winter months, your home can get cold and drafty, which is not suitable for your pup. Investing in a space heater or a warm blanket can help keep your dog’s sleeping area snug and cozy. You can also opt for a heated dog bed to keep your furry friend extra comfortable when they’re snoozing away at night.

Doggy Supplements

Just like humans, dogs also experience a host of health issues during the winter months, like dry itchy skin, arthritis, and joint pain. Combat these issues by introducing dog supplements like omega-three and glucosamine to your pup’s diet to keep their skin healthy and supple and reduce joint pain. Don’t forget to consult with your veterinarian before introducing new supplements to their diet, as not all supplements may be suitable for your dog’s health.

Plenty of Indoor Activities

With colder temperatures, it’s essential to have plenty of indoor activities for your Frenchton to keep them stimulated and entertained. While snuggly couch time is great, you don’t want to keep your pup bored and inactive for too long. Invest in interactive toys, like puzzle feeders and chew toys, to keep their minds engaged and wear them out. You can also schedule playdates with other dogs or bring your pup to indoor dog parks to socialize and get their exercise.


The winter season can be tough on all of us, including our furry pals. But with the right gear and extras, like sweaters, paw protection, indoor heating, doggy supplements, and plenty of indoor activities, your Frenchton can not only survive but thrive through the cold months. Remember to keep an eye out for warning signs like shivering, lethargy, or appetite loss, and if you’re ever unsure about how to care for your pooch during winter, don’t hesitate to consult with your veterinarian. Stay warm and snuggly, and enjoy the winter season with your furry companion!