Senior Frenchton Care: Tips for Aging Gracefully
January 15, 2024

Senior Frenchton Care: Tips for Aging Gracefully

As Frenchtons enter their senior years, they require special attention and care. Aging brings changes in mobility, health, and behavior, and as a responsible pet owner, understanding these changes is key to providing the best care for your senior Frenchton.

Recognizing the Signs of Aging

  • Physical Changes: Look for signs like graying fur, decreased mobility, and changes in sleep patterns.
  • Behavioral Changes: Be aware of any changes in behavior, such as increased irritability or confusion, which could indicate cognitive decline.

Adjusting Their Diet

  • Senior-Specific Nutrition: Older Frenchtons may need a diet lower in calories but rich in nutrients to maintain their health and manage weight.
  • Supplements: Consider supplements like glucosamine for joint health and omega fatty acids for coat and brain health.

Managing Mobility Issues

  • Comfortable Bedding: Provide orthopedic beds to support aging joints and make sure their resting areas are easily accessible.
  • Gentle Exercise: Continue with regular, gentle exercise to maintain muscle tone and joint flexibility, but adjust the intensity and duration as needed.

Regular Veterinary Check-ups

  • Senior Health Checks: Schedule regular vet visits to monitor their health, focusing on common age-related issues like arthritis, dental health, and organ function.
  • Preventative Care: Stay on top of preventative care, including vaccinations and parasite control, tailored to their age and health status.

Creating a Senior-Friendly Environment

  • Accessibility: Make your home more senior-friendly by adding ramps or steps to help them access furniture or vehicles.
  • Mental Stimulation: Keep their mind active with gentle, interactive toys and games suitable for their age and energy level.


Caring for a senior Frenchton requires patience, understanding, and adjustments to their lifestyle. By providing the right nutrition, veterinary care, and a comfortable living environment, you can help your Frenchton age gracefully and enjoy their golden years to the fullest.