Helpful Tips for Your Frenchton in Hot Weather
June 19, 2023
Frenchton in Hot Weather
Frenchton in Hot Weather

Helpful Tips for Your Frenchton in Hot Weather

Just as a Frenchton isn’t built for extreme cold, they’re also not equipped to withstand intense heat. So, if you own a Frenchton and live somewhere warm, here are a few ways to help your Frenchton in hot weather.

If you work long hours and leave your Frenchton at home while you’re away, be sure to keep the AC. Your Frenchton will also want access to fresh water to avoid dehydration. A cooling pad isn’t necessary, but you can leave one out for your Frenchton in hot weather to give yourself peace of mind that they have a cool place to lay down.

If your Frenchton likes frozen treats, you can leave them a toy filled with frozen kibble inside it as a treat. Simply soak some kibble in water and stuff it inside any hollow toy that is meant to be filled, then put it in the freezer overnight. These can be a helpful and special summer treat for your Frenchton in hot weather. They may, however, not be such a great idea in the cold winter months.

When you go out and about, there are a few precautions you can take to ensure your Frenchton survives the heat. First, always check the temperature of the pavement that your Frenchton is walking on. If you can’t keep your fingertips on the pavement for longer than five seconds, then the pavement is too hot for your Frenchton. Now if the pavement is too hot, but you still want to take your Frenchton out, you can buy summer booties to protect its paws from the heat.

You can also invest in a few other heat-beating products:

  • A travel water bottle is a must. Dogs cool themselves down by panting, and as the water evaporates on their tongue and in their lungs, they begin to cool down. So, if a dog is dehydrated, it will have a harder time cooling down. A travel water bottle will ensure your dog always has access to water. For a dog that is reluctant to drink, cooling bandanas are a great way to assist in keeping your dog cool. Simply wet the bandana and secure it around your dog’s neck.
  • Try using an insulated water dish which will keep water cold for an extended period of time to assist in cooling down your Frenchton in hot weather.
  • If you have a lighter-colored dog with thin fur, you might consider investing in some doggie sunscreen. Dogs, like humans, can get sunburnt too. So, if you can see your dog’s skin through its fur, that means you’ll probably need to protect their skin from the sun.

If you have a dog that tires quickly and you still want to take them on adventures, you might consider getting a dog backpack or stroller. A backpack will keep your dog’s paws off the hot ground, and a stroller can even provide some much-needed shade. Both of these options are best for small to medium-sized dogs, though, as it’s harder to fit a large dog in a stroller or backpack.

Final Advice for Your Frenchton in Hot Weather

If you’re worried about how hot it is outside, when in doubt, be cautious. Your dog can always be left at home where it’s nice and cool. So long as you have fresh water at home and a cool place for your dog to sleep, your dog will be just as happy at home as they would be out with you.