Important Information for Your Frenchton in Cold Weather
August 21, 2023
Frenchton in cold weather
Frenchton in cold weather

Important Information for Your Frenchton in Cold Weather

There are some dogs who thrive in the cold, such as Huskies who lay in the snow for hours, totally in their element. But for a Frenchton in cold weather with their smaller bodies and shorter hair, it can be more of a struggle. So as the weather starts to turn toward frigid, here are some things you can do to prepare for the safety and comfort of your Frenchton in cold weather.

The first thing you need to consider is making sure your house is comfortable for your Frenchton in cold weather seasons. If you work long hours away from home, then you need to make sure that your house stays warm and cozy for your dog while you’re away. Set your thermostat to a comfortable temperature. It will depend on where you live and how well-insulated your house is, so pick a temperature that will keep your house warm enough without running up your heating bill.

Your Frenchton will also need a cozy spot to sleep while you’re away, whether it’s their crate with a warm bed or blanket or their favorite spot in the house. If you keep your Frenchton in a crate while you’re away, wrap a blanket around the outside of it to keep the warm air in. Be sure to leave one side uncovered to allow for airflow. You might even consider a heating pad for dogs to make your Frenchton pup even more comfortable. You can find a specific heating pad made for dogs that will turn on only when the dog steps on the pad.

Once your house is ready for the cold, it’s time to ready your Frenchton for the trek outdoors in the cold. Frenchtons have very short coats, so once the temperature drops, they’ll probably be needing a nice warm jacket. If you plan to take any extended walks outside with your Frenchton in cold weather, you’ll also want some booties to keep his feet warm. If the ground is too cold for your bare feet, then chances are that the ground is too cold for your Frenchton’s toes too.

Final Advice for Your Frenchton in Cold Weather

If the temperature outside is well below freezing, then you might want to consider leaving your Frenchton inside where it’s nice and warm. It’s fun to take your dog with you wherever you go, but Frenchton’s aren’t exactly made to withstand freezing temperatures. So when it’s truly frosty out, your Frenchton will be much happier indoors.